1.The ease of access to the content of the webpage.
2.Their desire to contribute to the cause of science.
3.The significance and influence of the project itself.
4.Their feeling of connection to the scientists
5.They should be ambitious.
They are copies built to the architect's.
2.A house of a unique design.
3.He observed his clients' life and habits.
4.Update her bank card details on the company's details.
5.He is feeling exhausted.
6.Order a delivery.
7.It is too spicy.
8.For future training purposes.
1.It is essentinlly how Jessica Hagy starts her day a lot of time thinking about what 's interesting to her.
2.If someone is making up some conversation that might be interesting,it is probably not going to land well.
3.It motivates people to seek information.
1.To enable tourists to visit Goat Island.
2.Millions of coins on the bottom.
3.It shut down two border crossings with Libya.
4.Devise a monitoring system on the Tunisian
border with Libya.
5.A plant-powered mobile phone charger.
6.While sitting in the courtyard.
1.A wandering cow was captured by the police.
2.Some tourists were injured by a wandering cow.
3.It is a starting online exhibition.
4.A collection of birds fossils from Austrelia.
5.Some ancient wall paintings from Australia.
6.Photograshs of certain rare fossil enhibits.
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